A global health crisis and economic downturn have left nearly half of the US population hunting for a new job. This wave of candidates is greatly affecting HR teams who may have had to adjust to their own layoffs as well as many other challenges.
A recent Bloomberg article shared:
Tech companies’ HR workers have been faced with far bigger and more complicated jobs since March. They’ve had to help people navigate the shift to remote work, and walk foreign employees through increasingly precarious visa processes. They’re handling pandemic-related communications, including about job cuts and furloughs, in the middle of an economic crisis. And they’ve been tasked with adapting corporate culture and etiquette to weird new conditions, like a workplace that exists mainly on video chat.
Here’s how HR teams are leveraging technology to meet these challenges and successfully promote inclusion, improve efficiency and hire best-fit candidates.
Promote inclusion
No matter the job or the industry, most candidates will go through an interview process. While some candidates thrive in social settings, many others lack social soft skills. These candidates should not be thrown aside, but rather can help develop neurodiverse teams. In a recent Q&A with TecHR Series, Nina Cofer, product marketing manager, Breezy HR, explained, “Neurodiverse teams are just as productive and competent — if not more so — than their neurotypical counterparts.”
Rather than rely on an interview, companies are leveraging assessment solutions to glean information from neurodiverse candidates. By accommodating these candidates, neurodiverse teams can potentially see a 30% increase in productivity compared to their team counterparts.
Improve efficiency
Juggling multiple tasks, including hiring, recruiting and updating policies, among other things, requires efficiency from HR teams. With so many moving parts, this can prove difficult at times when HR teams need assistance from their coworkers and other departments to complete tasks.
When it comes to updating policies, HR teams must update documents quickly and efficiently to keep employees up to speed. Brian Powers, CEO, PactSafe recommends HR teams leverage their company’s intranet hosting. Powers shares in HR Daily Advisor his belief that email can work, “but a legal center on your company intranet hosting (updated) policies is better. That way, employees can quickly, remotely and centrally access new and returning policies” like employee agreements or modified work schedules.
Identify best-fit candidates
The number of individuals searching for work means companies have a large pool of highly qualified candidates. Sifting through countless resumes not only takes time but also increases the chances of HR teams missing the perfect candidate. By leveraging data pulled from science-based personality assessments, companies can feel confident when selecting a candidate. With advanced degrees in psychology and statistics, Dr. Heather Myers, chief psychology officer at Traitify, explains how HR teams can leverage science-based personality assessments to hire for fit with data, not your gut.
Utilizing personality data can help identify which candidates are likely to thrive in an organization. Taking a data-driven approach to understanding applicants will produce benefits for both the candidates and the company.
HR teams will always play a vital role in a company’s success. Technology provides the assistance these teams need to do their job efficiently and effectively. Taking into consideration the tips above, companies should take the time now to put in place solutions that can help speed up processes, promote inclusion, and identify best-fit candidates. In doing so, they’ll be better prepared for the incoming wave of candidates.
Is there a way your technology is being leveraged to improve the HR experience? Contact Lindsey Groepper to find out how PANBlast can help you share your solution with others.