5 Indicators You Should Invest in PR

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Author: Patrick Murphy
Patrick Murphy
Indicators you should invest in PR

Public relations can often fall to the bottom of a company’s to-do list. Businesses need exposure, credibility and awareness and PR is crucial in the process of achieving those. While it is easy to put off PR, it is never too late to start your journey. If you find yourself asking “is it time to invest in PR,” look for these five key moments. These indicators are great signals that your company is primed to start a PR program.

1. You are raising or recently raised funding

Investors are going to put their money in the hands of people they trust. How do you earn their trust? By positioning those who are leading the company as experts and thought leaders in your industry. There are a few ways to do that ahead of a funding raise. One way is by securing media coverage highlighting your leaders’ knowledge in the space.

Media coverage also has the power to add credibility during a funding raise that sets the company up for future rounds. Announcing funding secured and participating investors, allows you to control the message, show momentum and amplify your success to key stakeholders — including prospects, potential employees and future investors. Funding coverage also gives your investors something to share with their network of other potential partners.

2. You are launching a new product

If you are releasing a new product, you want to build awareness around the offering. You also likely want to educate potential prospects on what the product is and how it can help them. Landing product reviews and other media coverage around your available features and benefits provides third-party credibility, which can build trust with potential customers.

3. You’re entering a new market

Perhaps the new product you are releasing is geared toward an entirely different audience than your current offerings. When entering a new vertical, increasing brand awareness and exposure around your company is key. How do you get their attention? Securing media coverage that highlights your industry expertise in publications your target audience trusts introduces your brand and allows you to start building credibility within the new market.

4. You made a big hire

When a new hire is made, especially on your leadership team, you should announce it. Announcing a key hire highlights the growth of your company and can help attract top talent and investors. Leverage the backgrounds of the new hires to show why this move is big for your business and meaningful for the industry. Did they work at a big brand before? Have they worked for a competitor? Including information like this can help further your story of growth.

5. Your content pipeline is full

Good marketing and thought leadership content takes time and effort to develop. Make sure your content gets in front of the right eyes by repurposing it for use in pitches to the media, and quotes or contributed content for target publications.

As your company grows, don’t let PR slip through the cracks. You want the right audiences to know who you are and trust your offerings. If you are in the midst of any of the milestones listed, it is time to invest in PR. Reach out to Lindsey Groepper to start your journey.